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unsere Lieferantenkürzel

Kürzel LiefNr Lieferant Marke
ACA 300279 Academie Scient de Beaute GmbH Academie
ALE 300151 Beauty Brands International Alessandro
ALL 300287 Neubourg Skin Care GmbH Allpresan
ART 212844 Artdeco Artdeco
ASTOR 312125 Coty Deutschland Astor Astor Margret
AUC 300270 Beauty&Glamour Kevyn Aucoin
AYER 312126 Imperial Kosmetik Ayer
BAB 312127 Dr. Babor Dr. Babor
BB 300022 Straub Cosmetics GmbH Bettina Barty
BBR 300173 Bobbi Brown Division Lauder Bobbi Brown
BC 300041 Albrecht & Dill Bio-Col
BIL 300285 Beauty is Life Beauty is Life
BIN 300015 Parico Binella
BIO 215471 L'Oreal Luxusprod. Biotherm Biotherm
BIODR 300036 Biodroga Biodroga
BOE 312121 Börlind GmbH Annemarie Börlind
BOR 300186 Prestigio Parfums&Kosmetik Borghese
BRA 312128 Hildegard Braukmann Hildegard Braukmann
Bri 300227 Dianne Brill Cosmetics AG Dianne Brill
BRO 300067 Bronnley & Co Ltd Bronnley
BSO 300306 Ataout Cosmetics GmbH&CoKG Beauty Society
C & S 300196 Intertrade Europe Czech&Speake
CAL 300309 Calendula Lifestyle GmbH Calendula Lifestyle
CAR 300158 Shiseido Carita Carita
CAU 300198 Caudalie Deutschland Caudalie
CB 300189 HSW Creative Cosmetics Int. GmbH Carine Bartholome
CB 300066 IPD International Cuore Batticuore
CELL 300015 Parico Cellosome
CHA 312130 Chanel Chanel
CK 300262 MCB Markwins Calvin Klein Calvin Klein Dekorative
CLA 312131 Clarins Clarins
CLI 312142 Clinique Division Lauder Clinique
COM 300284 Comfort Zone Deutschland GmbH Comfort Zone
COR 300197 Cosmea Cora Corel
COS 300292 Revolution S.R.L. I Cosmeceutici
CSP 300193 Mibelle AG Cosmetics Swiss Perfection
DACOS 300115 Oelsner Kosmetik Vertrieb Dacos
DAD 300113 Dado Cosmed DadoSens
DAMA 300066 IPD International Dama
DAR 300105 Deutsche Daromen GmbH Darphin
DAV 300255 Davinci Defet GmbH Davinci
DCL 300188 Shiseido Decleor Decleor
DEC 214555 Troll Cosmetics GmbH Declare
DER 300303 Dermalogica GmbH Dermalogica
DEW 300310 Daniele de Winter Monaco Danielle de Winter
DIOR 312132 Parfums Christian Dior Christian Dior
DIP 300100 Diptyque S.A.S. Diptyque
DL 300270 Beauty&Glamour Deborah Lippmann
DMK 300291 DMK Dmk
EA 300083 Nobilis E. Arden
ECKST 300027 Eckstein Eckstein
FAN 300261 Fantasia Fantasia
FCUK 300083 Nobilis Fcuk
FIN 300153 Fing'rs Deutschland GmbH Fing'rs
G MEIR 300066 IPD International Gerhard Meir
GALL 300011 Maria Galland Maria Galland
GANT 300083 Nobilis Gant
GCC 300015 Parico Grand Cru de Couleur
GEO 300186 Prestigio Parfums&Kosmetik Green Energy Organics
GHD 300314 GHD Deutschland GmbH GHD
GUE. 312135 Guerlain Guerlain
HAU 300243 Wala Heilmittel GmbH Dr. Hauschka
HdP 300308 C Faces Handelsges. oHG Honore des Pres
HK 300139 Reviderm AG Horst Kirchberger
HR 312152 L'Oreal Luxusprod. H. Rubinstein Helena Rubinstein
HUB 300041 Albrecht & Dill Huiles & Baumes
HYPE 300196 Intertrade Europe The Hype Noses
ICY 300090 Vivendi G. Kallus Icy Beauty
IM 300041 Albrecht & Dill Ingrid Millet
JD 300152 Swissbeauty Cosmetic Jean d'Aveze
JDA 300043 Jean d'Arcel Jean d'Arcel
JG 300015 Parico Jeanne Gatineau
JPS 300022 Straub Cosmetics GmbH John Players
JUV 215472 La Prairie Group Juvena Juvena
K&Q 300210 District Two Cosmetics Distribution Kings & Queens
KANN 312138 Kanebo Kanebo
KIB 300280 Clarins GmbH Kibio
KIE 300220 Kiehl's Kiehl's
Kitty 300228 JOB Kosmetik Twinny Models
KLA 300140 Klapp Cosmetics Klapp Cosmetic
KOH 300176 Koh Cosmetics Koh
KOKO 300254 Koko GmbH Koko
KOR 300218 District Two Korres Korres
LA MER 300167 La Mer Division Lauder La Mer
LAC 312139 Coty Germany GmbH Lancaster Lancaster
LAN 312140 L'Oreal Luxusprod. Lancome Lancome
LAP 300051 La Prairie La Prairie
LAR 300278 La Ric Kosmetik GmbH & Co. KG La Ric
LAS 300041 Albrecht & Dill Erno Laszlo
LAU. 312141 Estee Lauder Estee Lauder
LAZ 300107 Fox Kosmetik Lazartique
LCN 300235 Wilde Cosmetics LCN
LEC 300041 Albrecht & Dill Leclerc
LIM 300308 C Faces Handelsges. oHG Less is More
LIN 300271 Linari Linari
LIP 300206 Mercatura Cosmetics Lipogen
LM 300202 La Mer Cuxhaven La Mer
LMV 300213 Syben Cosmetic Trading La Maison de La Vanille
LO 300224 L'Occitane L'Occitane
M2 300316 M2 Beaute Cosmetics GmbH M2 Beaute
MAB 300257 Master Brands E.K. Skintech
MAJA 300033 Puig Deutschland GmbH Myrurgia
MAT 300041 Albrecht & Dill Matis
MAX B 300317 CoSmeSell Max Benjamin
MBR 300159 Medical Beauty Research Medical Beauty Research
MBT 300151 Beauty Brands International Marbert
MD 300236 DoctorBrands Cosmetics MD Skincare
Mel 300224 L'Occitane Melvita
MF 300130 Dr. Scheller Cosmetics AG Max Factor by Ellen Betrix
MH 300130 Dr. Scheller Cosmetics AG Manhattan
MJP 300083 Nobilis Jeanne Piaubert
MMÖ 300086 La Prairie Group Marlies Möller Marlies Möller
MOL 300245 Molton Brown Molton Brown
MONT 300000 Monteil Monteil
MP 300225 Classic Parfums Mathias Paris
MSB 300189 HSW Creative Cosmetics Int. GmbH Medical Spirit of Beauty
MW 300256 Malu Wilz Beaute GmbH Malu Wilz
NEO 300311 Logocos Naturkosmetik Neobio
NIA 300259 Swiss Mountain Cosmetics Niance
NIC 300216 Aroma Company Nicolai
NOU 300225 Classic Parfums Nouba
NUXE 300181 Nuxe Nuxe
OPI 300247 SMP GmbH OPI
ORG 300041 Albrecht & Dill Organic Surge
ORI 300045 Origins Origins
ORL 300041 Albrecht & Dill Orlane
OUD 300196 Intertrade Europe So Oud
PAN 300115 Oelsner Kosmetik Vertrieb Panpuri
PAY 215527 Puig Deutschland GmbH Payot Payot
PF 300211 Müller & Schmidt Pfeilring Werke Pfeilring
PG 300216 Aroma Company Pierre Guillaume
PHY 300165 Grandel Professional Phyris
PHYT 300107 Fox Kosmetik Phytomer
QMS 300106 QMS Medicosmetics GmbH QMS
R&G 300302 L'Oréal Deutschland Cosm.Active Roger & Gallet
REDK 300304 L'Oreal Deutschland Redken Redken
REN 300236 DoctorBrands Cosmetics Ren Skincare
REV 300151 Beauty Brands International Revlon
Rod 300306 Atout Cosmetics Rodial
RYF 300102 Ryf Kosmetik Ryf
SANS S 300004 Fribad Cosmetics Sans Soucis Sans Soucis
SAP 300294 Mt. Sapola GmbH Europe Sapola
SBT 300205 La Prairie Group SBT Skin Biology Therapy
SHI 312153 Shiseido Shiseido
SIS 300059 Sisley Sisley
SKI 214555 Troll Cosmetics GmbH Skinatura
SL 300107 Fox Swiss Line
SMN 300313 Santa Maria Novella Santa Maria Novella
SNO 300186 Prestigio Parfums&Kosmetik Snowberry
STA 300206 Mercatura Cosmetics Stagecolor
StB 300305 Ligne St Barth St Barth
STE 300083 Nobilis Stendhal
SWI 300041 Albrecht & Dill Swiss Haircare
Tau 300318 Tautropfen GmbH Tautropfen
TDC 300257 Master Brands E.K. The Different Company
Teo C 300263 Npassion Teo Cabanel
THA 300127 Thalgo Cosmetic Thalgo
ULT II 300005 ITF Germany Ultima II Ultima II
VAL 300091 Rohloff Cosmetics Valmont
VIE 300107 Fox Kosmetik Vie
Viva 300234 Procter&Gamble Londa Viva
WKD 300206 Mercatura Cosmetics Wunderkind W. Joop
YFL 300212 Syben Cosmetic Trading Yes for Lov
YTC 300218 District Two Korres Yes to Carots
ZIRH 300083 Nobilis Zirh
ZWI 300276 Zwilling J.A. Henckels Zwilling

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